We invite to send your original research abstracts, before the deadline (submissions have been closed)
The scientific committee will determine whether abstracts will be accepted as oral or poster presentations, with consideration to be given to the author’s preference.
Abstracts will be reviewed and assigned to appropriate sessions.
All the accepted abstracts will be invited to present your research (either orally or as a poster).
topics of interest
Advanced Techniques in Bio-production, Bio-Separation & Bio-Detection (Biosensors)
Biomass and Renewables
Catalysis and Reaction Engineering
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Electrochemical Processes
Fluid Mechanics
Food Engineering
Green Technologies
Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells
Instrumentation and Process Control
Materials of Construction
Modelling and Simulation of Processes
Novel Separation Processes
Particle Technology
Polymer Engineering and Technologies
Process Intensification
Process Scheduling
Production of Chemicals
Safety, Health and Environment
Solid Waste Management
Transport and Interfacial Phenomena
Upstream and Downstream Petroleum Processes
Wastewater Treatment
NOTE: You can use any topic, not just limited to the aforementioned; these have been mentioned as examples.
important dates
APRIL 01, 2019
AUGUST 15, 2019
SEPTEMBER 30, 2019
Advances in Chemical Engineering for Industrial Applications
Abstracts are being accepted for oral and poster presentations.
All participants should submit their abstracts online via this link.
Please stick to the template, else your entry will be disqualified. Click here to download.
Abstracts must clearly define the objectives, status, methodology, results, and significance outcome of the study. The length of abstract in your original submission should not exceed 1 page (for details see abstract template). It should be prepared according to the templates given above and submitted as a single pdf or MS word file. Please note that:​
All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.
Authors are requested to submit an extended abstract (about 1000 words in MS-Word format) with maximum 5 keywords, typed with 1.5 line spacing and 10 font size. The abstract should highlight key results of the study and should not include more than 3 Figures/Photographs/Tables.
The presenting author is requested to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
Only the abstracts of registered presenting authors will be included in the final programme.
The Scientific Committee will determine whether abstracts will be accepted as oral or poster presentations, with consideration to be given to the author’s preference. Abstracts will be reviewed and assigned to appropriate sessions.
If your abstract is accepted, you will be invited to present your talk (either orally or as a poster).
All submitted abstracts must contain novel data. Abstracts stating “data will be discussed in the presentation” will NOT be accepted.
If an abstract was previously submitted to a different conference, but was not presented, it can be submitted to this conference as well. If it was previously presented, it cannot be submitted to CHEMCON19.
Guidelines for Technical Presentations
Lectures will be shown only by PC projectors.
Lectures will be presented in parallel sessions.
Each presentation must not exceed 10 minutes. The time includes the introduction of the speaker by the chairperson, the presentation and the discussion.
The presentation should start with a title sheet (title of the presentation, authors and affiliation).
Please keep the number of slides limited to avoid overload of the audience.
A LCD projector and a PC will be provided. The presentation must be compatible with Windows 7, Office 2010.
The speaker of each paper has to upload and inspect the presentation file before the beginning of the session. In order to avoid delays, each ppt. file must be properly uploaded before the session starts.
Speakers are requested to reach 15 minutes prior to session beginning and introduce themselves to the chairperson, possibly bringing a brief CV.