
As a Sponsor, your Company name and logo will appear on the cover page of the Conference Proceedings and at the Conference Hall backdrops.
For Co-Sponsorship, the Company name and logo will appear on the background of the event sponsored
The name and logo of the Company sponsoring lunch will be displayed at the lunch venue only. But the Company will get 4 complementary delegate registrations.
The name and logo of the Company sponsoring the delegate kits will get 6 complementary delegate registrations. The name and logo of the Company will be displayed at the registration counter and a card will be put in each delegate registration kit highlighting the name of the sponsor company.
The Bronze Co-sponsor will get two complementary delegates registrations.
Sponsorship cheque/draft can be made in favour of “CHEMCON-2019” and sent to:
Prof. Anil K. Saroha
Organizing Secretary, CHEMCON 2019
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (Northern Regional Centre),
C-27, Qutab Institutional Area,
New Delhi – 110 016
Tel: 011 – 41422060, Email: director.iichenrc@gmail.com